Conținut în limba engleză (așa l-am scris acum pentru facebook și blogul meu) poate îl voi traduce, despre tânăra fată țigancă de la colțul străzii, despre care am mai scris cum m-a batjocorit și atacat în 2 dăți anterioare. Asta e a treia oară.
I never was the object of physical brutality like today...except for my parents who beat me in my teen and adult years with horrible violence and the psychiatric patients who beat me and stole my clothes in the hospital. Today I went out from my block of apartments passing through the corridor that inspired once a haiku to me. A young Gypsy girl about whom I already told what she did to me, came unexpectedly from my back, on the left side where there was little space between me and the wall. She could have make me fall and get really hurt and injured by a stronger blow. Then she screamed (almost) at me that I am fat like a pig or cow, and she repeated this, that I cover the whole corridor and she has no place to walk besides me and she repeated this...of course it was not true. Then she spoke even harsher words. I never sent someone to hell, but this time, while she continued to look with evil eyes at me, I said "go to hell" to her, with a less stronger word (naiba in Romanian) because I was tired and I don't understand her hatred. I remember once when I was young and I sang songs to Gypsy children and they seemed to like it, and I remember how I was a primary school teacher for them, and how I listened to their stories about deportation in WWII and their habits, and I recorded them on tape and photographed them with care and love...and I always helped the poor Gypsies in the countryside. It seems that these Gypsies from the city are really evil...once when I was in Cluj they gave me lice on the street (I was only 20 years old) and maybe it was them who gave me lice when I got infested in 2014, I don't really know who was guilty, but I had to sell one of the 2 gold rings of my mother in order to buy special shampoo :(((
On 11th is my father's patron saint day in Romania, he used to celebrate this day when he was still alive. His name was Victor. Today is holy Sunday in Romania.
On our official Romanian Orthodox site they make advertising with bare women legs for French stockings, that's what appears when I open it :((
I also remember Andersen's story about the Snow Queen and how I empathized with the heroine, the little girl who was abducted by a band of thieves (maybe Gypsyes or not) who did not kill her because a little robber girl protected her. Now it is the opposite. I always was the good and innocent one, yet they all destroyed me since 1984. Read the 5th story in this, if you did not know it:
Vă vine să credeți că din țărână cresc trandafiri, copaci înalți, case și oameni? Atâta frumusețe incredibilă. Hai, recunoașteți... chiar puteți crede că toate cresc din pământ așa frumoase?
desenele mele cu mouse-ul - o parte din mine, le postez aici fiind complet izolată de peste 38 de ani, probabil le voi șterge
duminică, 8 noiembrie 2015
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