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marți, 9 februarie 2016

9 februarie 2016

Din nou am cerșit pe facebook....a fost o persoană din România care mi-a spus că mi-a trimis câțiva lei acum 5 zile, dar de fapt nu a putut, încă spune că poate îmi va trimite în curând. Peste o săptămână e ziua mea, pe 16 și îmi expiră cartea de identiate, de care am nevoie.

Please have pity on me, I am begging the whole world. I never had mistakes or sins my whole life, never, I remember everything and I never was insane. Someone entered my mind today in Romanian saying that "there's nothing to be done because the fools think that she's insane". I stayed starving and without money for clothes or shoes after my father's death in 2005. But now my legs are swollen again and I need at least that drug the doctor prescribed me for swollen legs if I cannot have the others too. And I badly need to renew my identity card. I have no one to ask for a loan. I can stay hungry and with torn shoes but I need those two things badly. I need 100 lei, that means 25 USD or 22 euros. Please...I also don't have anyone to talk life was really perfect, please have pity, I never was insane...My monthly income is exactly 300 USD (dollars) and I have to pay bills...and food is more and more expensive though I ate always the same cheap food, the cheapest and I never could afford something healthy or variations. Maybe they lied to you, but 300 dollars for a lonely woman in Bucharest is not enough.

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